



会期 26 February - 12 March
会場 スペースTRY、東京都港区白金台

Scottish sculptor Kate Thomson and Japanese sculptor Hironori Katagiri exhibit a unique cultural synergy of complementary yet very individual approaches to their work.
While Thomson`s work gives tangible form to abstract concepts, Katagiri condenses complexity and dangerous beauty into pure abstract form.

"Thomson and Katagiri stand in the context of British art now? Happily for them their two decades in Japan removed them from the fashion-conscious changeability of the London art world during that period. While neither of them is opposed to using devices outside their material, like artificial light and sound, these have never been used for fashionable effect. Their essence is in their material, as essential to them as it ever was to Moore or Hepworth. Some might see this as reversionary, if not reactionary. But after this long period while they were away from the Western art circus, we would do much better to see their work as Post-Modernist, in which they are under no historic necessity to take notice of the recent Western past. For us the work comes without ideological or stylistic baggage, as a salutary reminder of fundamental qualities of sculpture. Nothing can be more cool than that."
(Extract from London Exhibition catalogue 2011,Douglas Hall OBE BA FMA, the first Keeper of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and author.)