March 11, 2011
The "POSTCARD PROJECT" is made up of three art exhibitions initiated and run by Ukishima Sculpture Studio, to support people hit by the 11th March 2011 Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.
“Postcards from Japan - A Message from Tohoku artists”
Intimate A5 original art works made by 22 artists from the Tohoku region as their first response to the triple disaster
First shown in Edinburgh in 2011, it has since toured to New York; London; Birmingham; Cologne, Budapest, Tokyo; Stirling; and Aberdeen.
"Postcards To Japan" ; Over 400 wonderful A5 size art messages sent by artists, school pupils and members of the public from all over the world to encourage people in Tohoku.
Touring community venues in the disaster hit area, including Museums, community centres, shopping malls, and Post Offices.
"TOHOKU-SCOTLAND" : a special one off exhibition of new work by British artists who had taken part in the Iwate Art Festival UK98 (13 years before the disaster) and artists from Tohoku held at the ECA Sculpture Court, hosted by University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. We are very grateful to The Daiwa Anglo Japanese Foundation, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, The British Chamber of Commerce in Japan, The Binks Trust, Club 8 Studio Morioka Inc. and Atelier Nord inc. for their funding towards printing catalogues for all 3 of these projects.
After the major earthquake and subsequent tsunami and nuclear disaster in North East Japan on 11th March 2011 power supplies, land lines, mobile phone networks, and Internet access were crippled, making it extremely hard to contact family and friends. Japan Post was quickly up and running again and in many cases the first news that loved ones were safe was by postcard.
In the devastated regions the priority is to re-build communities and livelihoods. Life goes on: Art and culture are vital in celebrating life, and can help to nurture imagination, energy and determination.
The beautiful and poignant works specially made for this exhibition gives insight into the incredible grace and resilience of the Japanese spirit. All the artists have articulated emotional, social and environmental issues raised by the triple disaster and ongoing aftermath in Tohoku which are relevant across the world. The conveyed feelings of compassion, grief and, most important, hope are incredibly powerful.
It is important to share the lessons from the Japanese experience since March 2011,Including recognising that priorities in life are family, friends, community and the necessity to find sustainable ways of surviving in harmony with nature.
People in Japan were touched and encouraged by the enormous support from all over the world. All the artists in this exhibition would like to take this opportunity to say thank you.
■Tohoku artists;
Hisashi Momose, Takeshi Honda, Megumi Honda, Aeneas Wilder, Kate Thomson, Minako Ishikawa, Fumihiko Aono, Shinichi Mori, Takuya Okada, Kazue Sato, Saiko Sato, Yoshitomo Saito, Sachiko Hayasaka, Shigenobu Yoshida, Sachiko Kamo, Kouichi Watanabe, Kenichi Hosokawa, Eiji Kido, Takuya Onosaki, Hironori Katagiri
■Date: From 11. March to 28. March 2021
■Venue: Kyu-Ishiikenreitei, Morioka,Japan
■Date: From 10.October 2015 to 16.March 2016
■Venue: Art Space , King's College, Aberdeen University, Scotland,
■Date: From 18. March to 28. Msrch 2013
■Venue: Stirling University, Scotland,
■Date: From 1. February to 20. February 2013
■Venue: Japan Foundation, Budapest
■Date: From 3. December 2012 to 20. January 2013
■Venue: Japanisches Kultur Institute (Japan Foundation), Cologne, Germany
■Date: From 15.Februaryr, to 30. April 2012
■Venue: IKON Gallery (Birmingham/UK)
■Date: From 10. December 2011 to 30. January 2012
■Venue: Embassy of Japan (London/UK)
■Date: From 3. October to 27. November 2011
■Venue: Japan Society Gallery (New York/USA)
■Date: From .6 Augustto 29. August 2011
■Venue: St John's Church(edinburgh/UK)

Postcards To Japan ; Over 400 Postcard cheering art messages sent by overseas artists , school students and general public. Exhibiton has been touring the disaster area.

■Date: From 11. March to 28. March 2021
■Venue: Kyu-Ishiikenreitei, Morioka,Japan
■Date:12.1. 2015 - 30.4. 02015
■Venue:Maple gallery, Yuriage Harbour Market, Miyagi
■Date:13.6. 2014 ~ 24.7.2014
■Venue:Iwate Kamaishi Post Office
■Date:25.9. 2013〜9.10.2013
■Venue:Central Community Centre, Yamada town,Iwate
■Venue:Tanohata Comunity Centre, Yamada town, Iwate
■Venue:International House, Tokyo
■Date:30-31.8. 2013
■Venue:Shopping Centre DORA, Miyako, Iwate
■Venue:MInami Soma Museum, Fukushima
■Venue:Entrance Hall, Fukushima Museum of Art, Fukushima
■Date:16.12. 2011〜26.2.2012
■Venue:Art Space Iwate Museum of Art, Morioka
the special exhibition of British contemporary Artist and Tohoku artists at the Sculpture Court hosted by University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

■Date:from 2. to 9.October 2011
■Venue:Sculpture Court, University onf Edinburgh, UK
■sponsors:Sir Gerald and Lady Elliot,
Club 8 Studio Morioka Inc.,
Atelier Nord Inc.,
Japan Society
Japan Foundation.
■supporters:InChorus, Lothian and Borders Police Choir and Tayside Police
Choir for their wonderful opening performance; and to Mr Masataka
Tarahara, Consul General of Japan and Professor Chris Breward Principal
of Edinburgh College of Art for opening the exhibition.
■aTohoku artists;
Hisashi Momose, Takeshi Honda, Megumi Honda, Aeneas Wilder, Kate Thomson, Minako Ishikawa, Fumihiko Aono, Shinichi Mori, Takuya Okada, Kazue Sato, Saiko Sato, Yoshitomo Saito, Sachiko Hayasaka, Shigenobu Yoshida, Sachiko Kamo, Kouichi Watanabe, Kenichi Hosokawa, Eiji Kido, Takuya Onosaki, Hironori Katagiri
■British artists:
BOYLE Family 、Peter BEVAN、Kate DAVIS and David MOORE、John HUNTER 、Elspeth LAMB、David MACH、Jacki PARRY、Keith RAND 、Campbell SANDILANDS、Bill SCOTT 、John TAYLOR
Special thanks to:
Sir Gerald and Lady Elliot, Club 8 Studio Morioka Inc., Atelier Nord Inc., Japan Society, and Japan Foundation.
We are extremely grateful to the Edinburgh College of Art who have given us generous
sponsorship in kind including lending us the stunning Sculpture Court as a venue.
A special thank you also goes to InChorus, Lothian and Borders Police Choir and Tayside
Police Choir for their wonderful opening performance; and to Mr Masataka Tarahara, Consul
General of Japan and Professor Chris Breward Principal of Edinburgh College of Art for
opening the exhibition.
Deepest gratitude goes to all the artists from both Tohoku and Scotland who have been
wonderful working with us on very short notice and despite considerable pressures of their
Any benefit made from this project will go towards supporting artists in Tohoku working
towards recovery in the regions devastated by the triple disaster of the 11.03.2011 Great East
Japan earthquake.
T O H O K U - S C O T L A N D exhibition catalogue Published by Ukishima Sculpture Studio.
1-462 Tsuchikawa, Iwate, Iwate, Iwate, 028-4423 Japan Tel +81(0)195 62 5513
Distributed by Ukishima Sculpture Studio. Edited and designed by
Hironori KATAGIRI, Ukishima Sculpture Studio. Written by Kate THOMSON, David MOORE
and Hironori KATAGIRI. Photographs by Hironori KATAGIRI (p21,25,27,43,45,49,55,57,71,)
and the remainder provided by participating artists.