

"Iwate Contemporary Art vol.8-3, Kate Thomson/Entrance To The Maze"

October 1, 2019

date Tuesday 1st October to Sunday 1st December 2019
opening hours 10 am - 4:30 pm
closed on Mondays
venue Yorozu Tetsugoro Memorial Art Museum,
5-135 Tsuchizawa, Towa, Hanamaki, Iwate, 028-0114 Japan

"Entrance to the Maze"

Exhibition of drawings and sculpture by Kate Thomson

In ancient Greek mythology Ariadne gave Theseus a golden thread so that he could find his way back after braving the quest to the unknown centre of the maze to slay the monstrous Minotaur. The Minotaur represents the dark side of our selves that we fear to face. Ariadne’s thread was a gift of confidence to face the danger, embrace the challenge, and return safely,

Mazes or labyrinths have existed in most cultures for thousands of years. Throughout history they have symbolised the mysteries of life, death, transformation and return. In the modern age they have become metaphors for the complex puzzles of relationships and challenges we have to navigate. They are also a metaphor for our own minds and the way we process thoughts, memories and emotions. A complicated branching dilemma, with multiple choices of paths and directions, leading to possible exits, or to dead ends; or a single path, to meditate on while journeying to the center, and back out the same way to exit at the entrance. Their cavernous depths lure us in, despite the fear of getting lost and what we might find in there.

All the sculptures and drawings in the show are part of my maze, including attempts to solve enigmas of time, and love. I hope they will invite viewers to muse on their own path through the labyrinth.

It is the twists and turns that make life amazing.